Sinfonia Viva. Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham, 07 March 2025, 4✩✩✩✩.  Review: William Ruff.

Photo Credit: Royal Concert Hall

Sinfonia Viva. Royal Concert Hall, Nottingham, 07 March 2025,

4✩✩✩✩.  Review: William Ruff.

“Fine playing, insightful conducting and some unusual repertoire.”

Sinfonia Viva’s concert featured two works by women composers that can’t (unless I’m very much mistaken) have ever been performed in Nottingham before.  Fanny Mendelssohn’s Overture in C opened the evening.  She was the older sister of Felix, the pair extremely close throughout their lives.  She died at the age of 42, something her brother never got over, dying himself just a few months later. 

She lived at a time when women weren’t allowed to be professional composers, so her huge talent couldn’t fully express itself.  She wrote a vast amount of small-scale piano music and songs (sometimes under her brother’s name) mainly for a domestic market – but this Overture for orchestra gives a taste of what Fanny Mendelssohn might have achieved if she’d had the opportunity.  Conductor Delyana Lazarova made a persuasive case for it, bringing out the contrast between the two main themes:  the first bold and assertive, the second more lyrical and expressive and the whole thing suggesting that its composer had a voice all of her own.  The Overture’s ending, intense, grand and triumphant certainly left you wondering what might have been.

Caroline Shaw was the evening’s other female composer.  She composed Entracte in 2011 after being inspired by a Haydn string quartet.  It’s a sort of 21st century version of an 18th century minuet.  It starts hauntingly (in fact, it’s a bit of an ear-worm) and goes through various moods and highly unusual textures, creating a sense of journey and exploration. Just when you think you’ve grasped what is happening, it becomes strangely surreal, especially when the string players reverse their bows and start playing with the wooden side.  It’s all very intriguing (as well as rather beautiful) and Sinfonia Viva’s performance will have made many in the audience want to return to its unique sound-world.

For the rest of the concert we were on much more familiar ground.  Hana Chang was the soloist in Mozart’s 4th Violin Concerto, written when the composer was still a teenager.  Her tone was light and silvery, the performance light on its feet, providing the outer movements with plenty of rhythmic bounce.  The lyrical and expressive adagio was one of the concert’s  highlights, the violin singing tenderly and Sinfonia Viva providing delicate accompaniment.

Finally came Beethoven’s 8th Symphony, a work full of energy and a boisterous sense of humour.  When first performed in 1812 Beethoven must have enjoyed himself looking at the reactions of his audience.  The music is full of surprises: sharp accents, insistent repetition of ideas, quirky harmonic twists…and a delight in providing false endings in the finale, culminating in chords repeated again and again, just to ram home the message that the symphony really has reached a conclusion.  Delyana Lazarova and Sinfonia Viva captured the symphony’s sometimes gruff good humour in playing which combined a sharp focus on detail with an unbuttoned sense of recklessness. 

To sum up: fine playing, insightful conducting and some unusual repertoire.  Just one  quibble: it was all over by 9.15 - which tempted me to be like Oliver Twist and ask for more. 

Sinfonia Viva, Delyana Lazarova (conductor), Hana Chang (violin)




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