Othello: William Shakespeare RSC, Stratford Upon AvonRuns, until 23 November 2024, 5☆☆☆☆☆. Review: Roderick Dungate, AD Performance.
Photo Credit: Johan Persson.
Othello: William Shakespeare
RSC, Stratford Upon Avon
Runs: 3 h, one interval. Till 23 November 2024
Review: Roderick Dungate, AD Performance 03 November 2024
“Every drop of drama, not a single drop of melodrama.”
This is a magnificent production. Director, Tim Carroll, I note, is used to directing operas, so he is used to handling big stories. A big skill, but he is modest in his production. His sure hand is evident in every moment, but it is in the rear; he enables every one of the team to tell the story from within. The pace is unhurried, but the clarity with which the story is told, the total embodiment of the text wherever the plot takes us, ensures time never drags. There is a constant feeling that danger is simmering, threatening to boil over at any moment. An ever-present cloud of foreboding.
The tone is set by Will Keen (Iago) and Jethro Skinner (Rodrigo) in the opening duologue. The sense of real men having a real conversation brings us to the edge of our seats; we cannot forget Iago’s clearly stated anger at not getting the job given to Cassio. The blue touch paper is lit,.
Keen’s Iago is superb. This Iago never allows his hatred, fed by jealousy, to show in his voice; he holds it always in check. However, his physicality never leaves us in doubt of the threat he holds within. There is often a sense that this Iago is both surprised by and carried away with his destructive ability to invent. Keen also handles the verse form with huge skill, he appears never to work at the verse, but always allows the verse to work for him and for us.
Perhaps, once more, Carroll’s knowledge of music sits in the background, the expertise in handling the text is satisfyingly evident throughout.
John Douglas Thompson creates a carefully stated Othello; it is expertly judged and reaches the heights without stretching credibility.
Juliet Rylance , in shaping Desdemona, creates a character who is believably naive, not allowing the poetry to shape her performance yet giving it full value.
There could be no better argument for the need of our national Shakespeare Company than this present production.
Othello – John Douglas Thompson
Desdemona – Juliet Rylance
Iago – Will Keen
Emelia – Anastasia Hille
Cassio – Edward Hogg
Roderigo – Jethro Skinner
Barbantio – Colin Hurley
Gratiano – Jonathan Oliver
Lodovico – Al Barclay
Duke of Venice – John Paul Connolly
Senators – Graham MacKay-Bruce/Andrew Price
Sailor – Jason Eddy
Clown – Kevin N Golding
Bianca – Madeline Hyland
Montano – Scott Brooksbank
Officer – Johan Munir
Messenger – Ricordo Castro
Desdemona’s Attendant – Claire Redcliffe
Herald – Finlay Paul
Director – Tim Carroll
Sets & Costumes – Judith Bowden
Lighting – Paule Constable
Composer – James Oxley
Sound – Donato Wharton
Audio Describers – Julia Grundy/Annette Stocken